News : Newsletters : Alliance Member Bulletin : April 2021

Executive Director Message
Investing in Yourself

A large amount of the global working population was forced to adapt to a new working environment over the past twelve months as businesses quickly transitioned their employees to working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Although it has been a difficult adjustment for many people, it’s also been a great example of adapting to new environments, innovation, and resilience.

Many employees also took the opportunity to take a step back, assess their strengths and weaknesses, and fill any gaps that they might have in their skill sets.  Unsurprisingly, online training programs have had a large resurgence over the past twelve months.  I’m happy to report that this trend has also held true for the Secure Technology Alliance and U.S. Payments Forum.  We’ve seen a strong increase in participation across all of our training certification programs including the LEAP, CSEIP and CSCIP certifications.

One of the most important goals for the Alliance and the Forum is to help educate the next generation of individuals who choose to make a career within the technology and payments industries.  Over the next several months, we will continue to invest in this critical area and look to actively partner with our member companies to help supplement their own training programs.  I look forward to sharing more developments in the coming months.

Thank you again for your continued involvement with both organizations.


Council Highlights
  • Council projects. A summary of all active Council projects is posted on the Secure Technology Alliance members-only site.
  • The Access Control Council is finalizing a white paper on access control with mobile devices.
  • The Identity Council is discussing new projects related to accelerating mDL implementation in the U.S. Monthly mDL project calls present the status of projects and include guest speakers presenting different aspects of mDL implementation using the ISO 18013-5 standard.  A call is being held this month to discuss mDL trust frameworks.
  • The Payments Council held a webinar on dynamic security code cards.
  • The Transportation Council is finalizing the emerging MaaS ecosystem white paper.

If you would like to participate in a Secure Technology Alliance Council, please contact Devon Rohrer,  The full list of active Council projects is available on the Alliance members-only site.

New U.S. Payments Forum Resources

The Forum released its Spring Market Snapshot to provide an industry update on the state of the market, trending topics, and Forum priorities.  Topics in the first 2021 market snapshot included discussion of:  impact of COVID-19 on e-commerce; EMV migration in the petroleum industry; acceleration of touchless technology at the point of sale; and long-lasting post-COVID impacts on consumer payment habits.

The Forum Debit Routing Working Committee published a new white paper, Card-on-File Tokenization Considerations, Including Debit Routing.  The new white paper discusses:

  • The processes that could be involved with a merchant storing a card on file, including provisioning and transaction processing
  • Considerations when evaluating tokenization for cards on file, including PCI scope, technology, transparency of data, lifecycle management, and debit routing
  • Five tokenization solution options that can be used for cards on file: merchant tokenization; merchant service provider/vendor tokenization; EMV® payment token; a combination of card-on-file (with PAN) and EMV payment tokens; and a combination of multiple EMV payment tokens

U.S. Payments Forum July Virtual Meeting

The U.S. Payments Forum is holding its next virtual member meeting July 19-22, 2021.  All sessions are open to U.S. Payments Forum members, with some education sessions and panels open to non-members.  The full meeting agenda and registration will be available on the Forum web site in May.

Congratulations New Certificants


Richard Thomas, Johnson Controls

Rob Goebel, Johnson Controls

Eric Martinez, Johnson Controls

Marshello Knight, Johnson Controls

Fielder Armiger, M.C. Dean, Inc.



Carlos Gaskin, Boeing

Jeffrey Ryder, CertiPath Inc.

Courtney Gant, Communications Resource Inc.

Luke Pasqualucci, Communications Resource Inc.

Blake Smith, Gallagher Group Limited

Marquis Laude, Integrated Security Solutions, Inc.

James Hansen, Integrated Security Technologies, Inc.

Raine Lactaoen, Integrated Security Technologies, Inc.

Kristopher Hough, M.C. Dean, Inc.

Jeffrey Drill, National Institute of Standards and Technology

Douglas Ritchey, National Institute of Standards and Technology

Michael Kelley, Parsons Corporation

Russell Swartz, Security 101

Brian Havekost, Signet Technologies, Inc.

Scott Napier, Wycliffe Technologies

Gregory Sehrt, Xpect Solutions

Current Training and Exam Dates

The following dates have been announced for CSEIP training. Class sizes have been reduced to six people per class due to COVID-19 health guidelines and safety concerns. As a result, classes are selling out faster than they have in the past, so we are advising organizations to make their reservations in advance of future security system contracts and installations.

  • CSEIP Certification Course, May 18-20, 2021
  • CSEIP Certification Course, June 22-24, 2021
  • CSEIP Certification Course, July 20-22, 2021
  • CSEIP Recertification Course, April 23, 2021
  • CSEIP Recertification Course, May 28, 2021
  • CSEIP Recertification Course, June 18, 2021
  • CSEIP Recertification Course, July 16, 2021
  • TSCIP Certification Course, July 30, 2021

Follow the Alliance on Social Media

The Secure Technology Alliance has an active presence on social media.  Here are some ways for you to interact with the organization:
