Secure Technology Alliance

The Alliance exists as a neutral forum that brings together leading providers and adopters of end-to-end security solutions designed to protect privacy and digital assets in a variety of vertical markets.

Our Mission: Driving Adoption of Secure Solutions

The Alliance’s mission is to stimulate understanding, adoption and widespread application of connected digital solutions based on secure chip and other technologies and systems needed to protect data, enable secure authentication and facilitate commerce. Now, with new areas such as IoT, the Alliance uses its proven processes to provide the technology providers and adopters with the insights they need to build security in at the point of development and implementation.

Make an Impact
as a Member
The Alliance is driven by its U.S.-focused member companies. Through participation in the breadth of Alliance activities, members strengthen personal and organizational networks and members take away the insights to build the business strategies needed to commercialize secure products and services in this dynamic environment.

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Industry Events
Secure Technology Alliance industry events provide deep insights and a roadmap to the future direction of secure solutions in the digital security industry.

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Knowledge Center
Read Alliance resources to get accurate, objective analysis on what is happening in the digital security industry, why, and what the best practices are for moving forward.

Available resources include white papers, FAQs, infographics, perspectives, position papers, webinars, and more.

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